Sunday, January 20, 2008

2008 Results and Recap

Race Results
Men's 25-Mile
1st - Jay Petervary - 4:59:00
2nd - Aaron Japel - 5:24:00
T3rd - Scott Fitzgerald - 6:47:00
T3rd - Chris Erickson - 6:47:00
4th - Tom McDonald - 7:52:00

Women's 25-Mile
1st - Tracey Petervary - 5:29:00
2nd - Jill Damman - 6:10:00
3rd - Jannine Fitzgerald - 6:47:00

Years from now, an elite group of eight adventurous snow bike racers will be able to claim “I was at the 1st annual Togwotee Winter Classic…and you should have been there!”

I want to thank all of the racers who ignored the snowy race-day forecast and decided to join us at Togwotee Lodge for an epic adventure in less-than-ideal snow biking conditions. Despite the tough conditions, everyone finished and everyone was smiling. No racers attempted the 100-mile route this year.

I especially want to thank the generous sponsors who believed in and supported this first-year event:

RU Outside – snow bikers should absolutely check out their Tundra Boot

Fitzgerald’s Bicycles – quickly becoming, if not already, the largest snow bike dealer in the lower 48

Togwotee Lodge – not only a snowmobile resort; bring your bike and your skis too

Lastly, I want to personally thank Rick LaBelle, owner of RU Outside, and Andy Damman for their help on race day. Both of them went above and beyond to help me out with the aid station and patrolling the course.


  1. Uh we see the pics. Where are the results? I'm impatient :-)

    By the way, as detrimental as it might have been for a bike/snipe ride, we were drooling over the pow-pow you guys were getting. For different reasons of course.


  2. Congrats to all the racers!

    Nice work.

  3. Congrats on putting together such an adventurous race.

    It looks cooooold in those pics.

  4. 4:59 for jayP for 25 miles (5 mph average speed)!! that sure puts into perspective just how slooooooooow conditions must have been. congrats to everyone for finishing. very impressive.

  5. Good stuff DB. Congratulations to everyone that started.

    9" new on top of yesterday's 12" at JH! Powder Day!!!!!!



  6. Hey Extreme: great event, great people, beautiful course, awesome snow, an honor to be a part of it. Well done!
